1. Put it in Writing.
We can’t say this enough. Put every deal in writing.
Why is this ‘effortless’? Think of the alternative. If everyone made sure their agreements (and any variations) were clear and in writing, our litigation team would be out of business.
Call us cynical, but handshake deals are a thing of the past. With constant access to technology like smart phones, there’s no reason not to make sure there’s a record of the deal that has been struck.
2. Know Your Vulnerabilities
Rouse Lawyers offers a no-obligation 360o Legal Review. You’ll sit down with a senior member of our team over coffee, and they’ll take you and your business through our exposure detection process to make sure you are on top of everything (or at least aware of where you need to tighten things up!).
Our 360o Legal Review is designed to give you at least one ‘aha moment.’
What we know from experience is that you’ll walk away with added peace of mind.
3. Source Free Resources Online
There are a number of fantastic online resources that often go untapped.
Here are just a few…
For employment: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/ and https://www.fwc.gov.au/
For intellectual property: http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/
For cases, legislation and articles: www.austlii.edu.au
And of course, our web site: www.rouselawyers.com.au
If you’re interested in our 360o Legal Review, get in touch with us to arrange a date on 07 3648 9900 or via email [email protected].