Estate Planning IS important.

You can let people know what is important to you, what your wishes are, how you want your children raised, your business run, and your body disposed of.

Without a Will:

  • You are choosing to leave your family, your friends, and your employees with a burden of making decisions amidst a sea of indecision.
  • They may have to make an application to the Supreme Court for Letters of Administration, to prove your ‘intestacy’, and follow the scripted legislation as to what will happen to your assets.
  • Those you love have to prove that they are the ‘chosen ones’, that their interests rank above the short-term de facto spouse or the relative for whom you have no love and affection
  • Your stepchildren can receive nothing even if you intended that they should.

Without a valid nomination, the trustee of your superannuation fund (and life policies within that fund), have a discretion as to who to pay it to.

A payment to your estate could mean that this substantial gift goes to an undeserving person who you would otherwise have excluded.

Make no mistake, applying for Probate and Letters of Administration can be slow and costly.  For some, the process can be avoided, and grieving can proceed without added complications that may be totally unnecessary in an estate of limited value.

For others, the process is a necessary part of finalising your wishes – but made so much easier by a little care and planning on your behalf.

So, do not delay – act TODAY, and make your Estate Plan one that you have chosen, not been given by default.

We would love to help you… give Rouse Lawyers a call and take some positive action.